10 Gardening Tips for New Homeowners
Owning your own home for the first time can be both exciting and daunting at the same time. Add to the mix a garden and you have a lot to think about. Here are our 10 gardening tips for new homeowners to get you started.
Creating a pretty garden is a very simple and satisfying way to add value to your property. Below are a few tips to help you create a lovely outdoor living area.
- Making the Right Choice
- Create a Plan
- Choose Plants that suit your location
- Think Long Term
- Plant a Mix
- Add Colour
- Don’t Forget Texture
- Think about Lighting
- Keep those weeds away
- Tool it Up
Making the Right Choice!
- The very first step in designing an outdoor living area in your garden is choosing the best location.
- You need to consider the weather conditions where you live, how much sunlight and rain your garden gets and where the shady places are at different times of the day.
- Landscaping is another factor that creates interesting shapes in your garden but can also be expensive.
Create a Plan!
- Once you have decided on the perfect spot for your garden the next step is to create a plan.
- You can use a simple on paper or you can use a program on your computer. Whichever method you choose, you should spend time deciding exactly what you want your garden to look like before you start.
- Your plan should include things such as planting beds, paths and water features.
- It should include the garden furniture needed and also consider the children – a swing or jungle gym for example.
Choose Plants that Suit your Location
- Decisions on which plants will be guided by the climate of the area in which you live.
- Your garden will be more successful if you choose those plants that grow best in your area.
- The Indigenous plants will grow more successfully than exotic ones and need much less attention all year round.
- In addition when choosing your plants remember to consult your plan in which you decided the type of environment you want to create.
- For example, if you wanted to create a shady area quickly you might need a few exotic trees or shrubs as they grow more rapidly than indigenous ones.
Think Long Term – Plant with Maturity in Mind
- It is most important to plant your gardens with plant maturity in mind. Are you able to accommodate each plant alongside the other plants you want to grow, and how large will each one grow
- When planting from seed or purchasing plants that have been grown from seed in pots, it’s important to understand the size of the plants at maturity before planting too many. The reason for this is that plants can quickly overtake one another if they are planted too closely together or in a garden that is too small.
- Most plants come with tags or labels explaining how tall and how wide they will grow. Be sure to pay attention to these dimensions, especially if your garden is small. Spinach, for instance, can grow quite tall and wide, and growing it too close to tomatoes could limit its sun exposure.
Plant a Mix of Perennials and Annuals
- So what are Annuals? They are plants that bloom only once a year and have to be replaced each year. The flowers of annuals are usually very colorful, but they require fertilizer and pruning. On the other hand, perennials grow for several years and don’t need to be replaced every year.
- It is generally a good “rule of thumb” to create a good mix of these two basic types of plants in your new garden.
Add Colour!
- This is the creative side of gardening.
- With careful planning, you can ensure bright colours for every season.
- Adding colour to your garden is mainly done by planting flowers.
- There are so many varieties available that you should never run out of ideas.
- Choose annuals such as marigolds and snapdragons.
- Or go for perennials such as impatiens. You can also use bulbs such as irises. These flowers last longer than annuals and are easier to maintain.
Don’t forget Texture
- Remember that grasses bring beautiful shapes and textures and need very little work.
- Small shrubs offer a myriad of different shaped and different coloured and textured leaves.
- Select a few to give your garden shape and colour.
Think about Lighting
- You should also think about how much light you need in your garden.
- Low-voltage lights are ideal for small gardens, while high-voltage lights work well for larger areas.
- Low-voltage lights are safer than traditional high-voltage lights but most importantly they are more energy efficient which is vital for your energy bill.
- Low-voltage lights are available at most hardware stores and come in different sizes, from one-watt bulbs to 50-watt bulbs.
- When choosing bulbs, look for ones that are rated for outdoor use.
- If you want to add some extra light to your garden, consider installing solar panels. These panels can provide enough electricity to power a few lights, and they’ll save you money in the long run.
Keep those Weeds Away – Use Mulch
- You can keep weeds at bay by adding mulch to your garden beds.
- In addition to blocking out enough sun, mulch also prevents weeds from growing through your garden beds.
- The mulch beneath your plants can help the soil retain more moisture, which may just help them grow stronger and absorb more water.
- A mulched garden bed is also a great way to keep it tidy.
Tool it Up and Get yourself a Good Set of Gardening Tools
- Having your own set of basic gardening tools will help you to keep your garden in tip-top shape without getting frustrated and wasting time. The basic tools won’t break the bank either. Here’s a handy list
- Gardening gloves
- Good spade
- Strong Weeding Tool
- Garden Rake
- Pruners/ Trimmers
- Garden Hose
- Spray Nozzel
- Having your own set of basic gardening tools will help you to keep your garden in tip-top shape without getting frustrated and wasting time. The basic tools won’t break the bank either. Here’s a handy list
You should be able to get started with these tools, and they are the basics of most gardener’s toolkits. As well as paper yard waste bags, I like to have a three-pronged spade on hand to dig up roots. To prevent rusting, keep your gardening tools out of the rain or any area where moisture will be present.
PS. Top Tip = Start Small
Especially for those first time gardeners. Starting small and growing as you gain experience can prevent so much frustration and wasted spend. Enjoy your garden time and the fruits of your labour.!